05/16/2022 / By News Editors
NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny told me, “I had a dream that I died [because of the mRNA injections] and ended up as a story on your blog.” She’s still alive. But her dream still came true.
(Article republished from TheCOVIDBlog.com)
I agreed to sit down with Brandy on Monday, February 21. She is best known for using public records to proudly and brazenly doxx Trump supporters, non-vaccinated critical thinkers, and anyone else she disagrees with. Doxxing means “to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge.” NBC News pays her $90,000 per year, plus a bottomless travel budget, to do the foregoing.
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson talked about Brandy’s antics in October 2020.
NBC News flew her out to Des Moines, Iowa and sprung for a room in one of the city’s most expensive hotels for her and her producer to chat with me. Note my property is about 100 miles from Des Moines. Just a few hours earlier, I learned that a close family member died. It would be disingenuous for me not to point that they were under age-30 and fully-vaccinated.
It would have been best to cancel the meeting with Brandy, as my mind and heart were just not right. In fact after February 18 and my customary weekend off, I didn’t published another article on The COVID Blog™ until February 28. But I couldn’t just cancel the meeting since she was already in town.
My goal was simple – look one of these paid vaxx zealots in the eye and see if there’s humanity in there. I even tried being hospitable, offering to give her and her producer a tour of Des Moines (though there’s not much too it), in an attempt to show a genuine mutual respect. But it was clear from the beginning. This person is a walking, talking Pfizer ad and Fauci echo chamber, with a vocabulary that include “disinformation,” “misinformation,” and “conspiracy” almost every other word.
Brandy, courtesy of NBC News’ bottomless budget, did a five or six-part podcast about Tiffany Dover. She claimed to be tired of all the “conspiracy theorists” harassing Tiffany. She was going to prove once and for all that Tiffany is alive. But Brandy ended up doing exactly what she accuses “conspiracy theorists” of doing, and failed at the actual goal. She stalked Tiffany Dover’s family, co-workers, and even her kids for weeks. Several people made reference to Brandy’s tacky, intrusive methods in the comments section of the podcast.
Spoiler alert: the podcast is six hours of vaxx zealotry and about 90 minutes of advertisements. No new or useful information about Tiffany Dover is revealed. I listened to maybe 20 minutes of the entire thing, and skimmed over the transcript. At the end, Brandy puts someone’s audio-only voice on a podcast, says it’s Tiffany Dover, and you just need to trust and believe her. As I told Brandy, with the bottomless budget of NBC News, all she’d have to do is get Tiffany on camera, smiling and talking; and the entire “conspiracy theory” ends overnight. Again, even commenters who she calls “conspiracy theorists” made this simple observation.
But instead, Brandy and her producer traveled the country for free, and stayed in luxury hotels. It was a month-long, company-funded vacation. The final “podcast” product is six hours of pointless, arrogant babble, self-aggrandizement, and insulting the non-vaccinated and critical thinkers, including myself.
Forget the malicious editing and manipulation. That was expected. But Brandy told her audience that I “did not believe [my ex-girlfriend’s] cancer was real.” That statement is both false and defamatory. Zadrozny continued her vitriol, saying Brian “threw away his family, his girlfriend, his dead parents, and his dream job” for “conspiracy theories.”
Again, more false and defamatory statements that really hurt several family members and the ex. Brandy also insulted my writing, creativity and my journalistic abilities. There’s more. But those are the ones that landed us here.
I thought about suing Zadrozny and NBC News for defamation, and still might. Free press is protected as long as it’s true. But this person cannot help herself with lying and feeding her sheep audience what they want to hear. A slander lawsuit would be successful, and I’d have fun representing myself. But I’m swamped enough with COVID Legal USA clients.
How did this person become the obedient tool for mainstream media that she is now? I decided to use a lot of her own methods (e.g. utilizing public records and social media) to paint a picture of how a grown adult with children presents herself this way for a paycheck.
Brandy Zadrozny was born Brandy Lynn Jolly on August 30, 1980 in or near (ironically) Dover, Florida. Her parents are Jerry Jolly and Gail Jolly (aka Gail Naset and Gail Corbitt). Interestingly her dad follows only 10 people on Twitter, including Brandy and Glenn Beck.
Gail married Craig William Naset in June 1968, according to Hillsborough County, Florida public records. That marriage ended; and Gail married Jerry Jolly on March 19, 1971. They’ve been married ever since. The couple has at least one other child – Tonya Jolly-Ahearn, a nurse in Durham, North Carolina. One online source praised Brandy for managing to “keep away information concerning her parents and siblings from the public domain.”
Zadrozny liked reading books and performing as a child. She took second place in a competition called “Bookarama” when she as a seventh-grader at Franklin Middle School in Hillsborough County. Students had five minutes to act out an entire book.
Zadrozny went to Durant High School in Plant City, Florida, and graduated in 1998.
Brandy Lynn Jolly, sophomore year.
Things get a bit sketchy from there, as it appears her current employer went to great lengths to take control of Zadrozny’s online footprint before hiring her in 2018. They deleted hundreds of her tweets prior and subsequent to 2018. But many of them are archived. It’s unclear where Zadrozny completed college undergraduate studies. But from all accounts, she received a Master’s in Library Science from Pratt Institute in New York in 2008 at age 28. Many online sources say Brandy Lynn Jolly married Gregory S. Zadrozny in 2008. But according to New York Vital Records, the marriage license was issued in Manhattan on April 24, 2009.
Zadrozny worked for the New York Board of Education from 2003 to 2007. Her own accounts say she worked at ABC News (2008-09), Champlain College (2011), Fox News (2011-2013), and The Daily Beast (May 2013 to 2017). She was hired by NBC News in March 2018.
Brandy has been doxxing and harassing Trump supporters, non-vaccinated people, and critical thinkers ever since, utilizing the bottomless budget of NBC.
One thing she left out of her guide on how to dox people is voting records. Your name, address, etc. on your voter registrations are public information, for anyone to view. The only exceptions are for judges, prosecutors, politicians and other “protected” people. There’s nothing unusual about Zadrozny being registered to vote in New York because she and her husband own a home on Aberdeen Street in Brooklyn, according to the NYC Department of Finance. But there’s something afoul in Florida.
Zadrozny first registered to vote in Florida on September 17, 2002, according to the Florida Department of State. But she registered as Brandy Lynn Jolly. She was living and working in New York at the time. The Florida address Zadrozny/Jolly used (Folio #082855-0082) for voter registration is a property in Dover, Florida that her parents somehow acquired for $10 in 1999 from Bernard and Betty Caton. The Jolly’s sold the property in 2019 for $375,000. They now live in Timberlake, North Carolina, close to their other daughter.
“Brandy Jolly” was an active Florida voter until she became inactive in 2021, according to Mr. Gerri Kramer, the Chief Communications Officer for the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections. “Our records do not indicate any voting history or a name change,” Mr. Kramer said.
Zadrozny is registered to vote in New York as well. But she was registered in Florida as Brandy Lynn Jolly through 2021, despite her legal name since 2009 being Brandy Lynn Zadrozny. Florida law states “a person who willfully submits any false voter registration information commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.”
Brandy joined Twitter in August 2011, around her 31st birthday. By January 2014, she had 237 followers and was working for the Daily Beast.
She had 894 followers by November 19, 2014.
A year later, on November 29, 2015, Brandy had 1,571 followers.
In other words, after almost two years working at the Daily Beast, Brandy was still a nobody. Again her goal since those childhood pantomimes was to be a clout-chasing performer. She had to change up her social media content strategy. Bashing Donald Trump and his supporters was the ticket.
Brandy had 1,954 followers on August 18, 2016. Trump won the Republican nomination a months earlier. Now was Brandy’s opportunity to catch the attention of bigger publications. But she also had to make clear that she’s obedient and will follow orders like a military cadet.
Brandy had 3,109 followers on October 26, 2017, after one year of Trump, Fox News and Republican bashing on the Daily Beast. The word “conspiracy theorist” and all its variants became part of her regular vernacular around this time as well.
She had 4,963 followers on May 25, 2018, two months into her NBC News job.
Brandy had a little clout now, and she was happy with the new attention. But it still wasn’t enough. I’ve written about my past experiences in mainstream media, particularly the incident (attempted initiation) that made me leave that industry in the mid-2000s. If you follow orders from mainstream media executives, no matter how immoral and degrading, they will give you what you want if you can actually perform. I’m not going to speculate as to what Brandy had to do. But nobody moves up in mainstream media without the initiation.
Whatever Brandy was told to do, she did it. She was given her exact role and what her performances must entail. About one year later, May 11, 2019, Brandy hit 11,000 Twitter follows. But now suddenly, many of her tweets were about vaccines and “anti-vaxxers.” Again, this was May 2019, almost nine months before the average American had ever heard the word “COVID-19.”
There were exactly ZERO tweets from Brandy containing the word “vaccine” from 2014 to 2018.
But now, even if you search the foregoing archived tweets in her live account, many of them have been deleted.
Regardless, Brandy was given her marching orders in 2019 – attack anyone and everyone against “vaccines.” One such person was Ms. Catelin Clobes, a Minnesota mother who lost her 6-month-old baby, Evee, less than 36 hours after several injections. Brandy wrote a hit piece about Ms. Clobes in September 2019. Ms. Clobes filed a defamation lawsuit against Brandy in the U.S. District Court of Minnesota in September 2021. Brandy was dismissed from the suit as a Defendant on February 28, 2022, according to court records. But the case is moving forward against NBC Universal. A second amendment complaint was filed by Ms. Clobes on April 6, 2022.
Meanwhile, NBC rewarded Brandy for her obedience in 2019. By the end of said year her followers doubled to over 23,000.
And the words “conspiracy,” “vaccine,” “anti-vaxxer,” and “disinformation” were appearing more and more in her threads.
Her pinned tweet on February 7, 2020 was something about “anti-vaxxers.” She also greatly accelerated the “conspiracy theory” and “misinformation” babble.
By the end of 2020, the first year of the so-called pandemic, Brandy had 91,000 Twitter followers. She had arrived, and made a career out of being a propaganda-spewing attack dog.
Brandy got a Wikipedia page on April 11, 2021. But the user who created the page was immediately banned from Wikipedia for being a “sockpuppet.” That means whoever created the page has multiple Wikipedia user names, in violation of the platform’s policies. Today Brandy has 127,000 Twitter followers as of publishing.
Brandy ultimately wanted the Nina Jankowicz job as “Disinformation Governance Board” czar. The two are peas in a pod.
But I assume Jankowicz got the job because she’s younger. Regardless, Brandy will continue being a well-salaried, mainstream media mouthpiece for years to come, barring injection interference or mea culpas.
My Midwest upbringing still prevails today, despite all the crap I’ve seen in this country and world. I spoke to Brandy in a journalist to journalist fashion, even though she’s never gone through the rigors of J-School. My goal was to communicate with another human being with far differing views. But this person is a microcosm of mainstream media vaxx zealotry, irrationality and delusional faith in their COVID-19 religion. You cannot reason with these types.
We did agree on one thing. When I pointed out that Bill Gates is not a doctors but is always on her network acting like the world’s foremost epidemiologist, Brandy said, “I don’t think that’s helpful. Him being out front like that.”
Brandy said in her podcast “Brian is wearing a button-down black dress shirt and Converse sneakers. But he wouldn’t let me go to his house. Go figure.” These thirsty, married liberal chicks have no shame. Sorry Brandy. I have no interest in tawdry, married, Pfizer-blooded vaxx zealots who cannot provide a definition of the word “woman.” Stick to what you do best – appeasing your NBC masters and your flock. Your Tiffany Dover project was a complete failure. All we “conspiracy theorists” require is empirical evidence. Your evidence is “trust me, it’s her.” Again, that only works with your sheep.
I truly hope you did not poison your children with these mRNA injections. That would just be the cherry on top for who and what you really are.
Stay vigilant and. protect your friends and loved ones.
Read more at: TheCOVIDBlog.com
Tagged Under:
Brandy Zadrozny, conspiracy, COVID, deception, Journalism, lies, NBC News, propaganda, real investigations, Tiffany Dover, truth, vaccine
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